
Elizabeth GAROUSTE

« The Story Teller »

When the Avant-Scène Gallery opened in 1986, Elizabeth Garouste was one of the whimsical baroque artists Elisabeth Delacarte had always wanted to promote in her Gallery.

At that time, Elizabeth Garouste was already considered one of the leading figures of the Decorative Arts renewal in the 1980s.

Twenty years later, and in keeping with her privileged relationship with Elizabeth Delacarte, Elizabeth Garouste returned to the  Avant-Scène gallery in 2007 to  reveal to the public how her personal creative environment had evolved.

Elizabeth Garouste is redefining her decorative vocabulary where the essence of her baroque style is serenely blossoming with grace and imagination. This is a baroque to be understood as a permanent play on the possibilities of forms and matter.

Inspired by nature, her creations are vegetal or mineral fantasies, straight out of a fairy's hideaway, where the lamps might be booby-traps for fireflies.

The refusal of symmetry gives the objects an organic aspect, as though tortured by the elements. The subtle magic of the colors, the platinums, the golds, the bronzes and the glosses resonate with the expressionism of the forms. The result is singular, and necessarily rare, each object being produced in very limited editions.

With each inevitable mutation the artist experiences at the contact of a new material she discovers,  the Avant-Scène Gallery presents the iconic creations of Elizabeth Garouste. A life journey of beauty marked by wondrous works of art.



Elizabeth Garouste in nine dates:

1980: Interior design for the Privilège, the Palace Theatre restaurant, with Gérard Garouste.
1986: First presence at Avant-Scène 
1987: Graphic identity design and decoration of the haute couture house Christian Lacroix 
1991: Creation of the non-profit social and cultural foundation "La Source" with Gérard Garouste 
1992: Design of a cosmetics and perfume line for Nina Ricci 
2007: solo exhibition at the Avant Scène Gallery. "La nouvelle histoire - The new story" 
2009: Furniture for Christian Louboutin boutiques in Paris and Moscow 
2013: Solo exhibition at the Avant-Scène Gallery "Univers onirique - Dream World" 
2019: Solo exhibition at the Avant-Scène Gallery "Etrange nature - Strange nature"

La Source, non-profit social and cultural foundation


